
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Are You Serving Too Much? Part 1/6
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Jesus, who is a celebrity, visits the home of Martha and Mary and brings 12 men with him. Martha is understandably distracted, anxious and troubled and angrily accuses Jesus of not caring. She feels free to give him a piece of her mind and instruct him about what he should say to her sister Mary. What does her freedom to instruct Jesus say about her? What does it say about Jesus that he allows us to accuse him? Luke 10:38-42
Photo by Anastasia Kalinkina on Unsplash.

Friday Sep 23, 2022
Moving Past Mistakes: Self-Compassion 3
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
How do you move past a big mistake?
Remember that you are part of the human race. There are people before you who have made similar mistakes, and people coming after you who will make similar mistakes. Having compassion on yourself for making a mistake will help you to have compassion on others who make similar mistakes. Humility brings compassion.
Be kind to yourself and speak to yourself as if you were speaking to your best friend. Instead of harsh angry words, speak to yourself as if you were looking for reasons to give yourself the benefit of the doubt.
Jesus died so that you can be free (Galatians 5:1) Self-criticism paralyzes you with a fear of making more mistakes.
Building joy is important for those who have a habit of self criticism. Your brain is designed to learn best in an atmosphere of joy. To maintain joy it is essential to be able to make mistakes.
Photo by Guilia Bertelli on Unsplash
Further resources on DrDLevy.com and Dr. David Levy App.
Dr. David Levy Podcasts created on Podbean: (Photo for each episode) https://davidilevy.podbean.com/
iTunes Podcast
Google Play Podcast
Website DrDLevy.com
YouTube Channel
App for iPhone or iPad from Apple App Store
App for Android from Google Play App store

Friday Sep 09, 2022
Making Mistakes: Self-Compassion 2
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Do you make mistakes?
Have you ever made a BIG mistake?
Have you hurt people when you did not intend to?
How do you handle your sins, mistakes or errors? Do you beat yourself up attempting to pay for your own sin? Do you engage in harsh self-criticism to try to prevent yourself from ever making another mistake?
Is your self-condemnation a form of punishment which you think will help avoid another error?
Recognizing God is not angry with us is an important first step. If your parents were critical of you, this may not come easy. Tuning up our relationship with God is essential.
Isaiah 49:13-16 -God has you engraved on the palms of His hands.
An honest confession to God is very healing. For example, if there were warning signs but you ignored them this is worth confessing. If you are having trouble feeling forgiven, confessing to another person is something the Bible says is healing (James 5:16)
Once you have confessed and been forgiven, forgiving yourself is really just agreeing with God’s forgiveness. This sounds easy, but it is not. Especially for those who have a habit of self-condemnation. It is essential not to continue condemning yourself once God has forgiven you and you have received that forgiveness. Confess, receive God's forgiveness, and treat yourself the way God treats you, even if others do not.

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Self-Control and Self-Compassion: Part 1
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Part 1 of 3. What increases or decreases self-control? How can you know if your self-control is depleted? Psychology research on self-control often involves tempting people with chocolate. How do you respond to your failures? Self-condemnation weakens self-control while self-compassion increases self-control. People with self-compassion are happier, kinder and more compassionate. Do you love yourself with compassion? Are you able to be alone with yourself? Do you have time in your week without your phone? Recorded in 2012
Further resources on DrDLevy.com and Dr. David Levy App.
Dr. David Levy Podcasts created on Podbean: (Photo for each episode) https://davidilevy.podbean.com/
iTunes Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dr-david-levy-gods-wisdom-freshly-revealed/id1403541244?mt=2
Google Play Podcasthttps://play.google.com/music/m/Itnylngdsghg425rjbhhcfzfw2y?t=Dr_David_Levy_-_Gods_Wisdom_Freshly_Revealed
Website DrDLevy.com
YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK7aq4WGV71EkeEWnAkVunQ
App for iPhone or iPad from Apple App Store https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dr-david-levy/id1422510199
App for Android from Google Play App store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app.drdavidlevy&hl=en_us

Friday Jun 10, 2022
The Cross of Forgiveness: Part 4 of 4
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Part 4 of 4. Forgiveness is more difficult during seasons of suffering. Under what circumstances did Jesus forgive? Who was Jesus forgiving and why was Jesus forgiving? Did Jesus simply absolve everyone involved in his death for everything they ever did? Will Judas and all those who crucified Jesus be spending eternity together with Jesus? The information is useful as we work with Jesus to forgive.
Photo by Vaishakh Pillai on Unsplash
Further resources on DrDLevy.com and Dr. David Levy App.
Dr. David Levy Podcasts created on Podbean: (Photo for each episode)https://davidilevy.podbean.com/
iTunes Podcasthttps://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dr-david-levy-gods-wisdom-freshly-revealed/id1403541244?mt=2
Google Play Podcasthttps://play.google.com/music/m/Itnylngdsghg425rjbhhcfzfw2y?t=Dr_David_Levy_-_Gods_Wisdom_Freshly_Revealed
YouTube Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK7aq4WGV71EkeEWnAkVunQ
App for iPhone or iPad from Apple App Storehttps://apps.apple.com/us/app/dr-david-levy/id1422510199
App for Android from Google Play App storehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app.drdavidlevy&hl=en_us

Friday May 27, 2022
The High Cost of Forgiveness Part 3 of 4
Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
Part 3 of 4. Why do the sins of others bother us much more than our own? We typically see our sin as much less significant than the sin against us because it feels much less significant. We believe our feelings indicate the debt of our sin but we are greatly mistaken. How does God see your sin compared to sin against you? Jesus tells a parable in Matthew 18 to answer this question. Jesus uses economic terms of debt owed and we are off by a factor of 200,000. This is how our sin looks from God's point of view. Two hundred thousand times greater than the sin against you. We discuss how God arrives at this calculation, and how thinking about it can help move us to forgive.
Photo by tartiqiubarbhuiya on Unsplash
Further resources on DrDLevy.com and Dr. David Levy App.
Dr. David Levy Podcasts created on Podbean: (Photo for each episode)https://davidilevy.podbean.com/
iTunes Podcasthttps://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dr-david-levy-gods-wisdom-freshly-revealed/id1403541244?mt=2
Google Play Podcasthttps://play.google.com/music/m/Itnylngdsghg425rjbhhcfzfw2y?t=Dr_David_Levy_-_Gods_Wisdom_Freshly_Revealed
YouTube Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK7aq4WGV71EkeEWnAkVunQ
App for iPhone or iPad from Apple App Storehttps://apps.apple.com/us/app/dr-david-levy/id1422510199
App for Android from Google Play App storehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app.drdavidlevy&hl=en_us

Sunday May 15, 2022
The Power Tool Parable: Part 2 of 4
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
Part 2 of 4. What would you do if someone borrowed your power tools and left town without returning them? Why do we often feel angry at ourselves when we feel anger at someone else? What is bad debt and what does it have to do with forgiveness?
Photo by Marissa Daeger on Unsplash
Further resources on DrDLevy.com and Dr. David Levy App.
Dr. David Levy Podcasts created on Podbean: (Photo for each episode)https://davidilevy.podbean.com/
iTunes Podcasthttps://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dr-david-levy-gods-wisdom-freshly-revealed/id1403541244?mt=2
Google Play Podcasthttps://play.google.com/music/m/Itnylngdsghg425rjbhhcfzfw2y?t=Dr_David_Levy_-_Gods_Wisdom_Freshly_Revealed
YouTube Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK7aq4WGV71EkeEWnAkVunQ
App for iPhone or iPad from Apple App Storehttps://apps.apple.com/us/app/dr-david-levy/id1422510199
App for Android from Google Play App storehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app.drdavidlevy&hl=en_us

Friday Apr 29, 2022
Hit and Run Forgiveness Part1 of 4
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Part 1 of 4. In this parable, forgiveness is presented in a new way. You are an accident victim and have some choices to make regarding pursuit of those who hurt you.
Photo by Michael Jin on Unsplash
Further resources on DrDLevy.com and Dr. David Levy App.
Dr. David Levy Podcasts created on Podbean: (Photo for each episode)https://davidilevy.podbean.com/
iTunes Podcasthttps://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dr-david-levy-gods-wisdom-freshly-revealed/id1403541244?mt=2
Google Play Podcasthttps://play.google.com/music/m/Itnylngdsghg425rjbhhcfzfw2y?t=Dr_David_Levy_-_Gods_Wisdom_Freshly_Revealed
YouTube Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK7aq4WGV71EkeEWnAkVunQ
App for iPhone or iPad from Apple App Storehttps://apps.apple.com/us/app/dr-david-levy/id1422510199
App for Android from Google Play App storehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app.drdavidlevy&hl=en_us

Friday Mar 18, 2022
Who’s the Queen? Part 2 of 2
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Part 2 of 2. Abigail is an amazing woman. She has more dialogue than any other woman in scripture. In 1 Samuel 25 She speaks positive words of life over David before he becomes King. She prophesies wonderful things about him. Then, her husband dies and she marries him. She marries him before he becomes King. Her prophesy doesn't exactly come true in David's life. And she's never heard from again. What happened? Why is she not the Queen? Why was she downgraded? What was God's intention for her and for David?
Photo by Jared Subia on Unsplash
Further resources on DrDLevy.com and Dr. David Levy App.
Dr. David Levy Podcasts created on Podbean: (Photo for each episode)
iTunes Podcast
Google Play Podcast
YouTube Channel
App for iPhone or iPad from Apple App Store
App for Android from Google Play App store

Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Dealing with a Wealthy Fool: Part 1 of 2
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Part 1 of 2. David is on the run from Saul and betrayed repeatedly by his own tribe, the tribe of Judah. David and his men are treated with disrespect by Nabal, a wealthy fool from the tribe of Judah. David has had enough! He is murderously angry. When David comes to settle the score, he gets a surprise. Nabal's wife Abigail comes to meet him to prevent him from making a massacre mistake that would haunt him the rest of his life. She prevents him from killing innocent people (along with her husband.) She prevents him from "saving by his own hand." Do you save by your own hand? Why is it important to wait for God and not save by our own hand?
Bible passage 1 Samuel 25
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
Further resources on DrDLevy.com and Dr. David Levy App.
Dr. David Levy Podcasts created on Podbean: (Photo for each episode)
iTunes Podcast
Google Play Podcast
YouTube Channel
App for iPhone or iPad from Apple App Store
App for Android from Google Play App store